Simulation on ventilation system design for a shelter hospital in winter in severe cold zone

Tang Shantong, Wang Zhaojun, Sun Zhenyu, Ye Deqiang


Aiming at the ventilation system reconstruction project of a shelter hospital to be built in the severe cold zone, the ventilation rate and the outdoor air heating load in the sickbed area are analysed, and the design parameters of the outdoor air system are determined. The indoor air distribution and pollutant removal effects of nine air supply schemes are simulated and analysed, and a reasonable air supply scheme is put forward. The energy consumption of heating outdoor air with different heat sources in the severe cold zone is analysed, and the measures to reduce energy consumption are put forward. The results show that the most reasonable air supply scheme is that the hoisting height of the bag duct is 4.5 m, the air supply temperature is 26 ℃ and the air supply speed is 3.0 m/s, so that the supply air can be used effectively.